The use of this console requires the presence of specific kernel module that is not included in DidJix... This module is now available here.
Size: 49Ko - Sha1: fc47258b30e0ddcabf107eb7ff9a259213f6a0ab

- Download and save the DidJiX.1.0.hdjmod.pkg.tar.xz package on the second partition of your DidJiX removable media, where there's all your musics.
Start DidJiX, open a terminal over Mixxx with
keys, install the downloaded package with pacman, load the specific kernel module,
cd /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/
pacman -U DidJiX.1.0.hdjmod.pkg.tar.xz
modprobe hdj-mod
- Close the terminal with Ctrl d keys and try your Hercules DJ console...
If all is good, change the DidJix behavior to automate all. Open a terminal over Mixxx and run these commands to change your .xinitrc script,
echo pacman -U /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/DidJiX.1.0.hdjmod.pkg.tar.xz \
>> /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.xinitrc
echo modprobe hdj-mod >> /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.xinitrc
Next release of DidJix will try to include this module... Thanks to Gimmeapill for his work on hdjmod.
Note that the package can be downloaded directly from DidJiX...
cd /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/
wget https://bitbucket.org/patatetom/didjix/downloads/DidJiX.1.0.hdjmod.pkg.tar.xz
ReplyDeleteVerry good work ! but the link is broken !
tanks a lot
DeleteThis module is no longer needed in DidJiX 1.1, this is why this old link is broken...
ReplyDeleteAs I have written yesterday, the link is brokken.
When i plug my mp3 E2 in the computer booted with your os ( didjix) The screen fixed and no control is possible.
How to avoid this issue ?
thanks a lot for your work.
DeleteLike I said, this module is no longer needed in DidJiX 1.1, this is why this old link is broken.
It is quite difficult to answer you for your mp3 E2: I do'nt have one. Perhaps another user can help you...
Have you tried "win-t" or "ctrl-alt-f2" to regain control over Mixxx?
ReplyDeletethe system is stopped !
find her a screenshot :
DeleteHard to bring you a reply from your screenshot...
This problem occur on all computers you use?
In this case, there is probably a problem with your DidJiX device : forge a new one and try again...
This problem occur only and systematically on a particular computer?
In this case, first, check the computer memory by typing "memory" at DidJiX boot prompt (http://didjix.blogspot.fr/2011/11/diagnostic-tools-provided-by-didjix.html)...