The history of Mixxx is stored in ~/.mixxx and therefore in the memory. This is why, whenever you turn off DidJiX, all your games and scores are lost.
To change this behaviour, follow these steps.
- Open a terminal over Mixxx with Win t keys,
- run these commands to change your .xinitrc script,
echo "[ -d /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.mixxx ] || cp -a ~/.mixxx /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/" \
>> /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.xinitrc
echo "rm -rf ~/.mixxx" >> /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.xinitrc
echo "ln -s /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.mixxx ~" >> /mnt/Mixxx/Musics/.xinitrc
- close the terminal with Ctrl d keys and quit Mixxx with Ctrl q keys,
- at prompt, restart Mixxx with Ctrl c keys or reboot DidJiX with Enter key